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02 May, 2010


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so you may know what is that good, perfect, and pleasing will of God. Romans chapter 12 verse 2.
Words to live by? Yes. Words to commit my writing to? Definitely.
Today I re-dedicated my life to Jesus Christ.
I'm reading a book about knowing God's will.
I'm also reading some hard core science fiction to prime the pump so to speak.
There are two types of writing I'm most passionate about: science fiction , and Christian non-fiction.
What I feel God drawing me towards is to write science fiction and fantasy from a Christian perspective. It fits my life like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle.
I also have to look over the first ten pages of a manuscript I am preparing to submit to a science fiction writing workshop. It will either be my ticket in, or I'll get a thanks but no thanks reply.
Either response is independent of my being obedient to God.
Mine is to obey. His is to open doors.

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