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04 July, 2011


I have finally reached that point. The point where I am ready to submit my screenplays to agents. But before I do that I need to submit it for coverage. What is coverage? It's where you pay a Hollywood reader to pick apart your script. They find the errors, they tell you the parts they love.

This allows you to change the screenplay before you submit it to an agent. In the world of agents, they read hundreds of query letters. You don't get a second chance. My screenplays need to be perfect before I send them out.

Coverage isn't cheap, but this is a business, and a good utilization of financial resources, even if mine are dwindling at the moment.

I have a list of four potentials. Four people/businesses that were recommended because of their integrity, and skill.

In total I've finished four screenplays. Two more are in the works, and another two have a complete synopsis. But I'm looking at my strongest two to submit to open doors for me. And yet, I will do one more pass through them. Did I put enough tension and conflict in them? Is there too much dialogue, verbal vs. visual? Would anyone care about the characters? That is my task for the next few days, in addition to finishing the animated TV Pilot. Nice thing about the TV Pilot is that it won't take me more than a few hours to flesh out a rough draft. 32 pages, easy. The tougher work is in the revisions.

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